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Soirée cinéma D'animation Ecole CalArts 28 Juin 2012

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Soirée cinéma D'animation Ecole CalArts 28 Juin 2012

Messagepar bneubneu » Dim Juin 17, 2012 12:02 pm

Le Festival du Film Merveilleux & Imaginaire a aussi pour vocation grâce au programme "le Quart d'heure américain", de défendre le cinéma indépendant américain et sa jeune création. L'association propose le jeudi 28 Juin à 20H00 une projection de 22 courts-métrages d'animation réalisés par les étudiants de la promotion 2011 de l'école d'Arts Californienne CalArts. Nous vous invitons aussi à décourvir les 3 films en compétition écrit, réalisés et/ou produit par des auteurs talentueux.

OU : Centre d'animation Ravel / Théâtre Douze 6 avenue Maurice Ravel 75012 Paris
PLAN et programme complet : http://www.festival-film-merveilleux.com/fr/node/73
TARIF : Gratuit

PROGRAMME Films d'animation de l'école CalArts:

Little Boat directed by Neslon Bales

Marooned 3 directed by Tom Law

Paraphernedia directed by Sabrina Cotugno

Sharkdog directed by Eric Anderson

My grandfather’s Ship directed by Trevor John

Shell Out directed by Summee Dong

Origin directed by Jessica Poon

SHAPE directed by Eusong Lee

The Trackpad Jam directed by Jeff Liu

Brave directed by Jasmin Lai

Berdoo directed by Miranda Tacchia

GrandMugged directed by Jacob Streilein

We’ll be fine probably directed by Sam Kremers-Nedell

Hummingbirds and Hologram directed by Jeff Liu

Vampire Gastelbrau directed by Hannah Ayoubi

GIVE ME SPACE directed by Brian carter

Bottom feeder Blues directed by Colin Howard

Blueberry directed by Gleen Williamson

The funny thing about Lois directed by Amelia Lorenz

Lemur directed by Takehiro Nishikawa

500 days of Winter directed by Natalie Wetzig

Eyrie directed by David Walter


2011 CalArts Characher Animation Producer’s Show

Established in 1961 by Walt and Roy Disney, California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) is the
nation's first higher education institute to offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in both
the visual and performing arts. CalArts is dedicated to training and nurturing the next
generation of professional artists, fostering brilliance and innovation within the broadest
context possible.

With an emphasis on the issues of story telling, and acting that story via character/s,
Character Animation at CalArts maintains a very structured and dense First and Second year
of study, with more freedom of class choices offered in the final two years of a student’s four
year residency. This includes credits earned in Critical Studies (academic
course work), as well as métier-based studio classes, and prepares our graduates for work in
diverse professional settings, as well as independent filmmaking (the auteur). This brief
description speaks of a program that has, at its heart, the activity that reflects Character
Animation's fundamental philosophy: Life Drawing. Regardless of one's choice of direction--
whether to focus in a traditional, hand-drawn style; or to concentrate on CGI studies--
observational life drawing from the model, instructed to each year level, contributes what our
administration and faculty feels has substantive impact on all art making efforts of our
student body. It simply makes a difference. Add to this the mandate that students in the
program complete a film each year for her/his four years of study, and you have a picture of
the dynamics which help to define and distinguish this program of animation art.
jeune névrosé(e)
Messages: 25
Inscription: Mer Jan 17, 2007 1:25 pm

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